what can i say about coldplay that hasn't already been said?
i wouldn't consider myself a fan of Coldplay...but i went for my girlfriend who is completely obsessed with them..but i must say...
they put on one killer ass show.
the way he sings is funny...he looks like he's having a seizure just running around stage...but it was intense..
the highlight of the night was in the middle of "Yellow" he sang..."...bottles in the clubbbbb..."
from lil wayne - lollipop!
here's some pics for you all..taken by a Treo.

this one was when the whole band ran to the audiance and sang a different version of "Yellow"

the end of the show..with a ton of butterfly's falling from the rafters.
big huge thanks to lisa for the tickets! or was it waldo? whoever...thank you!


1 things were said about this post.:

  1. Anonymous said,

    you wanna know how your gay?
    you went to a coldplay concert...and enjoyed it

    on July 16, 2008 at 9:08 PM