Remember this thing?

Big ass canvas!

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This is too sick, To Die For Clothing have released these skins for a bunch of electronic devices!
There's ones for laptops, Guitar Hero guitars, phones, and more! They're pretty low in price too, which is super cool..check them out here...and here's some pics.

The Sidekick one is alright, I've never really been a fan of Sidekicks except the SK2 and the SK-LX..and plus this one looks like the ugly Sidekick ID.

I would get this for my Ps3, and have the hottest PS3 out there!

AND to my iPhone!?

There's even one for the ever so useless Blackberry Curve.

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Finally, all settled in to a different place!
I used to lived in Lakewood California, since I was born, but when I moved to Long Beach with my girl, I lived there for about 3 years. Finally, after 3 long...beautiful and horrible years, I'm back in Lakewood where I was raised. No, we did not break up, we're still together.

So, now that I'm back up on game..I will be updating again!

with updates and videos like this!!


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